Lighting different types of palm trees species

Types of Palm Trees, and what Color Light Housing to Select

There are over 2600 species of palm trees with some that grow as tall as 100 feet. While we typically think of them as part of tropical or desert landscapes, some can actually withstand temperate climates with cold winters. 

The Palm trees most people would like to uplight, are usually taller varieties like; Date Palms, Coconut Palms, Sabal Palms, Washingtonia, Phoenix , Canary Island Palms, Foxtail Palms, and of course - Royal Palms and Queen Palms. 

When ordering your Magic Garden Palm Tree Lights, take a look at your tree's trunk to determine the color you’d like the light housing to have, we offer Desert Tan or Dark Brown. Typically, the Desert Tan works best with smooth trunk species, while the Dark Brown works well with species that have fibers covering them, or palms that have “rough trunks”



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